API Reference

forge works by decorating a callable using forge.sign() with parameters of forge.arg(), forge.kwarg(), forge.kwargs, and .


When this documentation speaks about “forge parameters” it means those parameters that are defined using forge.arg() and friends in the forge.sign() decorator.

What follows is the API explanation, if you’d like a more hands-on introduction, have a look at Basic Usage.



class forge.FParameter(kind, name=None, interface_name=None, default=<empty>, factory=<empty>, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, bound=False, contextual=False, metadata=None)

An immutable representation of a signature parameter that encompasses its public name, its interface name, transformations to be applied, and associated meta-data that defines its behavior in a signature.


This class doesn’t need to be invoked directly. Use one of the constructor methods instead:

  • kind – the parameter kind, which detemrines the position of the parameter in a callable signature.
  • name – the public name of the parameter. For example, in f(x) -> g(y), name is x.
  • interface_name – the name of mapped-to the parameter. For example, in f(x) -> g(y), interface_name is y.
  • default – the default value for the parameter. Cannot be supplied alongside a factory argument. For example, to achieve f(x=3), specify :code`default=3`.
  • factory – a function that generates a default for the parameter Cannot be supplied alongside a default argument. For example, to achieve f(x=<Factory now>), specify factory=default.now (notice: without parentheses).
  • type – the type annotation of the parameter. For example, to achieve f(x: int), type is int.
  • converter – a callable or iterable of callables that receive a ctx argument, a name argument and a value argument for transforming inputs.
  • validator – a callable that receives a ctx argument, a name argument and a value argument for validating inputs.
  • bound – whether the parameter is visible in the signature (requires default or factory if True)
  • contextual – whether the parameter will be passed to converter and validator callables as the context (only the first parameter in a FSignature can be contextual)
  • metadata – optional, extra meta-data that describes the parameter

For more information about this parameter kind constant, refer to positional-only.


For more information about this parameter kind constant, refer to positional-or-keyword.


For more information about this parameter kind constant, refer to var-positional.


For more information about this parameter kind constant, refer to keyword-only.


For more information about this parameter kind constant, refer to var-keyword.


forge.pos(name=None, interface_name=None, *, default=<empty>, factory=<empty>, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, bound=False, metadata=None)

A factory method for creating positional-only FParameter instances.

Return type:


forge.pok(name=None, interface_name=None, *, default=<empty>, factory=<empty>, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, bound=False, metadata=None)

A factory method for creating positional-or-keyword FParameter instances.

Return type:



a convenience for forge.pok()

forge.ctx(name=None, interface_name=None, *, type=<empty>, metadata=None)

A factory method for creating positional-or-keyword FParameter instances that are contextual (this value is passed to other FParameter`s ``converter` and validator functions.)

Return type:


forge.vpo(name, *, converter=None, validator=None, metadata=None)

A factory method for creating var-positional FParameter instances.

Return type:


forge.kwo(name=None, interface_name=None, *, default=<empty>, factory=<empty>, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, bound=False, metadata=None)

A factory method for creating keyword-only FParameter instances.

Return type:



a convenience for forge.kwo()

forge.vkw(name, *, converter=None, validator=None, metadata=None)

A factory method for creating var-keyword FParameter instances.

Return type:


forge.args(name: Union[str, NoneType] = None, *, converter: Union[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any], typing.Iterable[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any]], NoneType] = None, validator: Union[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any], typing.Iterable[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any]], NoneType] = None, metadata: Union[typing.Mapping, NoneType] = None) → VarPositional

A convenience class that generates an iterable consisting of one FParameter of parameter kind var-positional.

Instances can be used as either *args or *args().

Typical usage:

>>> import forge
>>> fsig = forge.FSignature(*forge.args)
>>> print(fsig)
<FSignature (*args)>

>>> import forge
>>> fsig = forge.FSignature(*forge.args(name='vars'))
>>> print(fsig)
<FSignature (*vars)>

While name can be supplied (by default it’s args), interface_name is unavailable. This is because when FSignature maps parameters, the mapping between var-positional parameters is 1:1, so the interface name for var-positional is auto-discovered.

Implements collections.abc.Iterable, with provided: __iter__. Inherits method: __next__.

forge.kwargs(name: Union[str, NoneType] = None, *, converter: Union[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any], typing.Iterable[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any]], NoneType] = None, validator: Union[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any], typing.Iterable[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any]], NoneType] = None, metadata: Union[typing.Mapping, NoneType] = None) → VarKeyword

A convenience class that generates an iterable consisting of a mapping of name to a FParameter of parameter kind var-keyword.

Instances can be used as either **kwargs or **kwargs().

Typical usage:

>>> import forge
>>> fsig = forge.FSignature(**forge.kwargs)
>>> print(fsig)
<FSignature (**kwargs)>

>>> import forge
>>> fsig = forge.FSignature(**forge.kwargs(name='items'))
>>> print(fsig)
<FSignature (**items)>

While name can be supplied (by default it’s kwargs), interface_name is unavailable. This is because when FSignature maps parameters, the mapping between var-keyword parameters is 1:1, so the interface name for var-keyword is auto-discovered.

Implements collections.abc.Mapping, with provided: __getitem__, __iter__ and __len__. Inherits methods: __contains__, keys, items, values, get, __eq__ and __ne__.




a convenience for forge.ctx('self').


a convenience for forge.ctx('cls').



class forge.FSignature(*fparameters, **named_fparameters)

An immutable representation of a callable signature composed of forge.FParameter instances.`

Unliked inspect.Signature, FSignature does not provide or manage return type annotations. That is the work of returns() and / or Mapper.


This class doesn’t usually need to be invoked directly. Use one of the constructor methods instead:

Implements collections.abc.Mapping, with provided: __getitem__, __iter__ and __len__. Inherits methods: __contains__, keys, items, values, get, __eq__ and __ne__.

class forge.Mapper(fsignature, callable)

An immutable data structure that provides the recipe for mapping an FSignature to an underlying callable.

  • fsignature – an instance of FSignature that provides the public and private interface.
  • callable – a callable that ultimately receives the arguments provided to public FSignature interface.


forge.resign(*fparameters, **named_fparameters)

Takes instances of FParameter and returns a revision factory that alters already-forged signatures.

Return type:

Callable[…, Any]


a revision factory that takes a callable and updates it so that it has a signature as defined by the resign.fparameters and resign.named_fparameters


Produces a factory that updates callables’ signatures to reflect a new return-type annotation

Parameters:type – the return-type for the factory
Return type:Callable[[Callable[…, Any]], Any]
Returns:a factory that takes a callable and updates it to reflect the return-type as provided to returns.type
forge.sign(*fparameters, **named_fparameters)

Takes instances of FParameter and returns a wrapping factory to generate forged signatures.

Return type:

Callable[…, Any]


a revision factory that takes a callable and updates it so that it has a signature as defined by the resign.fparameters and resign.named_fparameters



Check whether validators are enabled. :rtype: bool :return: whether or not validators are run.


Set whether or not validators are enabled. :type run: bool :param _sphinx_paramlinks_forge.set_run_validators.run: whether the validators are run

Return type:None


class forge.void

A simple MarkerMeta class useful for denoting that no input was suplied.


def proxy(a, b, extra=void):
    if extra is not void:
        return proxied(a, b)
    return proxied(a, b, c=extra)


forge.getparam(callable, name, default=<empty>)

Gets a parameter object (either a :class.`inspect.Parmater` or a FParameter) by name from its respective inspect.Signature or FSignature


TypeError – if getparam.name not found

Return type:



the inspect.Parameter or FParameter object with getparam.name from getparam.callable, or getparam.default if not found.

forge.hasparam(callable, name)

Checks (by name) whether a parameter is taken by a callable.

  • callable – a callable whose signature will be inspected
  • name – the name of the paramter to identify in the hasparam.callable signature
Return type:



True if hasparam.callable has hasparam.name in its signature.


A convenience for retrieving the return-type annotation from a callable

Parameters:callable – a callable whose return-type annotation is retrieved
Return type:Any
Returns:the return-type annotation from get_return_type.callable
forge.set_return_type(callable, type)

Set the return-type annotation on a callable.

Return type:



Build a string representation of a callable, including the callable’s :attr:__name__, its inspect.Parameter`s and its ``return type`


>>> stringify_callable(stringify_callable)
'stringify_callable(callable: Callable) -> str'
Parameters:callable – a Python callable to build a string representation of
Return type:str
Returns:the string representation of the function