API Reference


forge.get_run_validators() → bool

Check whether validators are enabled. :returns: whether or not validators are run.

forge.set_run_validators(run: bool) → None

Set whether or not validators are enabled. :param _sphinx_paramlinks_forge.set_run_validators.run: whether the validators are run


class forge.ForgeError

A common base class for forge exceptions

class forge.ImmutableInstanceError

An error that is raised when trying to set an attribute on a Immutable instance.


class forge.empty

A simple MarkerMeta class useful for denoting that no input was suplied. Used in place of inspect.Parameter.empty as that is not repr’d (providing confusing usage).


def proxy(a, b, extra=empty):
    if extra is not empty:
        return proxied(a, b)
    return proxied(a, b, c=inspect.Parameter.empty)
classmethod ccoerce_native(value)

Conditionally coerce the value to a non-empty value.

Parameters:value – the value to conditionally coerce
Returns:the value, if the value is not an instance of empty, otherwise return inspect.Paramter.empty
classmethod ccoerce_synthetic(value)

Conditionally coerce the value to a non-inspect.Parameter.empty value.

Parameters:value – the value to conditionally coerce
Returns:the value, if the value is not an instance of inspect.Paramter.empty, otherwise return empty

alias of inspect._empty

class forge.void

A simple MarkerMeta class useful for denoting that no input was suplied.


def proxy(a, b, extra=void):
    if extra is not void:
        return proxied(a, b)
    return proxied(a, b, c=extra)


class forge.Mapper(fsignature: forge._signature.FSignature, callable: Callable[..., Any]) → None

An immutable data structure that provides the recipe for mapping an FSignature to an underlying callable.

  • fsignature – an instance of FSignature that provides the public and private interface.
  • callable – a callable that ultimately receives the arguments provided to public FSignature interface.
  • callable – see callable
  • fsignature – see fsignature
  • parameter_map – a types.MappingProxy that exposes the strategy of how to map from the Mapper.fsignature to the Mapper.callable
  • private_signature – a cached copy of callable’s inspect.Signature
  • public_signature – a cached copy of fsignature’s manifest as a inspect.Signature
get_context(arguments: Mapping) → Any

Retrieves the context arguments value (if a context parameter exists)

Parameters:arguments – a mapping of parameter names to argument values
Returns:the argument value for the context parameter (if it exists), otherwise None.
static map_parameters(from_: forge._signature.FSignature, to_: inspect.Signature) → mappingproxy

Build a mapping of parameters from the Mapper.map_parameters.from_ to the Mapper.map_parameters.to_.

Strategy rules: #. every to_ positional-only must be mapped to #. every to_ positional-or-keyword w/o default must be mapped to #. every to_ keyword-only w/o default must be mapped to #. from_ var-positional requires to_ var-positional #. from_ var-keyword requires to_ var-keyword

  • from_ – the FSignature to map from
  • to_ – the inspect.Signature to map to

a types.MappingProxyType that shows how arguments are mapped.

class forge.Revision

This is a base class for other revisions. It implements two methods of primary importance: revise() and __call__().

Revisions can act as decorators, in which case the callable is wrapped in a function that translates the supplied arguments to the parameters the underlying callable expects:

import forge

def myfunc():

Revisions can also operate on FSignature instances directly by providing an FSignature to revise():

import forge

in_ = forge.FSignature()
out_ = forge.Revision().revise(in_)
assert in_ == out_

The revise() method is expected to return an instance of FSignature that is not validated. This can be achieved by supplying __validate_attributes__=False to either FSignature or replace().

Instances of Revision don’t have any initialization parameters or public attributes, but subclasses instances often do.

__call__(callable: Callable[..., Any]) → Callable[..., Any]

Wraps a callable with a function that maps the new signature’s parameters to the original function’s signature.

If the function was already wrapped (has an __mapper__ attribute), then the (underlying) wrapped function is re-wrapped.

Parameters:callable – a callable whose signature to revise
Returns:a function with the revised signature that calls into the provided callable
revise(previous: forge._signature.FSignature) → forge._signature.FSignature

Applies the identity revision: previous is returned unmodified.

No validation is performed on the updated FSignature, allowing it to be used as an intermediate revision in the context of compose.

Parameters:previous – the FSignature to modify
Returns:a modified instance of FSignature

Group revisions

class forge.compose(*revisions)

Batch revision that takes Revision instances and applies their revise() using functools.reduce().

Parameters:revisions – instances of Revision, used to revise the FSignature.
revise(previous: forge._signature.FSignature) → forge._signature.FSignature

Applies revisions

No validation is explicitly performed on the updated FSignature, allowing it to be used as an intermediate revision in the context of (another) compose.

Parameters:previous – the FSignature to modify
Returns:a modified instance of FSignature
class forge.copy(callable: Callable[..., Any], *, include: Union[str, typing.Iterable[str], typing.Callable[[~_T_PARAM], bool], NoneType] = None, exclude: Union[str, typing.Iterable[str], typing.Callable[[~_T_PARAM], bool], NoneType] = None) → None

The copy revision takes a callable and optionally parameters to include or exclude, and applies the resultant signature.

  • callable – a callable whose signature is copied
  • include – a string, iterable of strings, or a function that receives an instance of FParameter and returns a truthy value whether to include it.
  • exclude – a string, iterable of strings, or a function that receives an instance of FParameter and returns a truthy value whether to exclude it.

TypeError – if include and exclude are provided

revise(previous: forge._signature.FSignature) → forge._signature.FSignature

Copies the signature of callable. If provided, only a subset of parameters are copied, as determiend by include and exclude.

Unlike most subclasses of Revision, validation is performed on the updated FSignature. This is because copy takes a callable which is required by Python to have a valid signature, so it’s impossible to return an invalid signature.

Parameters:previous – the FSignature to modify
Returns:a modified instance of FSignature
class forge.manage(callable: Callable[forge._signature.FSignature, forge._signature.FSignature]) → None

Revision that revises a FSignature with a user-supplied revision function.

import forge

def reverse(previous):
    return previous.replace(

def func(a, b, c):

assert forge.repr_callable(func) == 'func(c, b, a)'
Parameters:callable – a callable that alters the previous signature
revise(previous: forge._signature.FSignature) → forge._signature.FSignature

Passes the signature to callable for revision.


No validation is typically performed in the revise method. Consider providing False as an argument value to __validate_parameters__, so that this revision can be used within the context of a compose revision.

Parameters:previous – the FSignature to modify
Returns:a modified instance of FSignature
class forge.returns(type: Any = <empty>) → None

The returns revision updates a signature’s return-type annotation.

import forge

def x():

assert forge.repr_callable(x) == "x() -> int"
Parameters:type – the return type for the factory
Variables:return_annotation – the return type used for revising signatures
__call__(callable: Callable[..., Any]) → Callable[..., Any]

Changes the return value of the supplied callable. If the callable is already revised (has an __mapper__ attribute), then the return type annoation is set without wrapping the function. Otherwise, the __mapper__ and __signature__ are updated

Parameters:callable – see callable
Returns:either the input callable with an updated return type annotation, or a wrapping function with the appropriate return type annotation as determined by the strategy described above.
revise(previous: forge._signature.FSignature) → forge._signature.FSignature

Applies the return type annotation, return_annotation, to the input signature.

No validation is performed on the updated FSignature, allowing it to be used as an intermediate revision in the context of compose.

Parameters:previous – the FSignature to modify
Returns:a modified instance of FSignature
class forge.synthesize(*parameters, **named_parameters)

Revision that builds a new signature from instances of FParameter

Order parameters with the following strategy:

  1. arguments are returned in order
  2. keyword arguments are sorted by _creation_order, and evolved with the keyword value as the name and interface_name (if not set).


When supplying previously-created parameters to sign(), those parameters will be ordered by their creation order.

This is because Python implementations prior to 3.7 don’t guarantee the ordering of keyword-arguments.

Therefore, it is recommended that when supplying pre-created parameters to sign(), you supply them as positional arguments:

import forge

param_b = forge.arg('b')
param_a = forge.arg('a')

@forge.sign(a=param_a, b=param_b)
def func1(**kwargs):

@forge.sign(param_a, param_b)
def func2(**kwargs):

assert forge.repr_callable(func1) == 'func1(b, a)'
assert forge.repr_callable(func2) == 'func2(a, b)'
  • parametersFParameter instances to be ordered
  • named_parametersFParameter instances to be ordered, updated

a wrapping factory that takes a callable and returns a wrapping function that has a signature as defined by the parameters and named_parameters

revise(previous: forge._signature.FSignature) → forge._signature.FSignature

Produces a signature with the parameters provided at initialization.

No validation is performed on the updated FSignature, allowing it to be used as an intermediate revision in the context of compose.

Parameters:previous – the FSignature to modify
Returns:a modified instance of FSignature

a convenience “short-name” for synthesize

class forge.sort(sortkey: Union[typing.Callable[[forge._signature.FParameter], typing.Any], NoneType] = None) → None

Revision that orders parameters. The default orders parameters ina common- sense way:

  1. parameter kind, then
  2. parameters having a default value
  3. parameter name lexicographically
import forge

def func(c, b, a):

assert forge.repr_callable(func) == 'func(a, b, c)'
Parameters:sortkey – a function provided to the builtin sorted(). Receives instances of FParameter, and should return a key to sort on.
revise(previous: forge._signature.FSignature) → forge._signature.FSignature

Applies the sorting return_annotation, to the input signature.

No validation is performed on the updated FSignature, allowing it to be used as an intermediate revision in the context of compose.

Parameters:previous – the FSignature to modify
Returns:a modified instance of FSignature

Unit revisions

class forge.delete(selector: Union[str, typing.Iterable[str], typing.Callable[[~_T_PARAM], bool]], multiple: bool = False, raising: bool = True) → None

Revision that deletes one (or more) parameters from an FSignature.

  • selector – a string, iterable of strings, or a function that receives an instance of FParameter and returns a truthy value whether to exclude it.
  • multiple – whether to delete all parameters that match the selector
  • raising – whether to raise an exception if the selector matches no parameters
revise(previous: forge._signature.FSignature) → forge._signature.FSignature

Deletes one or more parameters from previous based on instance attributes.

No validation is performed on the updated FSignature, allowing it to be used as an intermediate revision in the context of compose.

Parameters:previous – the FSignature to modify
Returns:a modified instance of FSignature
class forge.insert(insertion: Union[forge._signature.FParameter, typing.Iterable[forge._signature.FParameter]], *, index: int = None, before: Union[str, typing.Iterable[str], typing.Callable[[~_T_PARAM], bool]] = None, after: Union[str, typing.Iterable[str], typing.Callable[[~_T_PARAM], bool]] = None) → None

Revision that inserts a new parameter into a signature at an index, before a selector, or after a selector.

import forge

@forge.insert(forge.arg('a'), index=0)
def func(b, **kwargs):

assert forge.repr_callable(func) == 'func(a, b, **kwargs)'
  • insertion – the parameter or iterable of parameters to insert
  • index – the index to insert the parameter into the signature
  • before – a string, iterable of strings, or a function that receives an instance of FParameter and returns a truthy value whether to place the provided parameter before it.
  • after – a string, iterable of strings, or a function that receives an instance of FParameter and returns a truthy value whether to place the provided parameter before it.
revise(previous: forge._signature.FSignature) → forge._signature.FSignature

Inserts the insertion into a signature.

No validation is performed on the updated FSignature, allowing it to be used as an intermediate revision in the context of compose.

Parameters:previous – the FSignature to modify
Returns:a modified instance of FSignature
class forge.modify(selector: Union[str, typing.Iterable[str], typing.Callable[[~_T_PARAM], bool]], multiple: bool = False, raising: bool = True, *, kind=<void>, name=<void>, interface_name=<void>, default=<void>, factory=<void>, type=<void>, converter=<void>, validator=<void>, bound=<void>, contextual=<void>, metadata=<void>) → None

Revision that modifies one or more parameters.

import forge

@forge.modify('a', kind=forge.FParameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY)
def func(a):

assert forge.repr_callable(func) == 'func(a, /)'
  • selector – a string, iterable of strings, or a function that receives an instance of FParameter and returns a truthy value whether to place the provided parameter before it.
  • multiple – whether to delete all parameters that match the selector
  • raising – whether to raise an exception if the selector matches no parameters
  • kind – see kind
  • name – see name
  • interface_name – see interface_name
  • default – see default
  • factory – see factory
  • type – see type
  • converter – see converter
  • validator – see validator
  • bound – see bound
  • contextual – see contextual
  • metadata – see metadata
revise(previous: forge._signature.FSignature) → forge._signature.FSignature

Revises one or more parameters that matches selector.

No validation is performed on the updated FSignature, allowing it to be used as an intermediate revision in the context of compose.

Parameters:previous – the FSignature to modify
Returns:a modified instance of FSignature
class forge.replace(selector: Union[str, typing.Iterable[str], typing.Callable[[~_T_PARAM], bool]], parameter: forge._signature.FParameter) → None

Revision that replaces a parameter.

import forge

@forge.replace('a', forge.kwo('b', 'a'))
def func(a):

assert forge.repr_callable(func) == 'func(*, b)'
  • selector – a string, iterable of strings, or a function that receives an instance of FParameter and returns a truthy value whether to place the provided parameter before it.
  • parameter – an instance of FParameter to replace the selected parameter with.
revise(previous: forge._signature.FSignature) → forge._signature.FSignature

Replaces a parameter that matches selector.

No validation is performed on the updated FSignature, allowing it to be used as an intermediate revision in the context of compose.

Parameters:previous – the FSignature to modify
Returns:a modified instance of FSignature
class forge.translocate(selector, *, index=None, before=None, after=None)

Revision that translocates (moves) a parameter to a new position in a signature.

import forge

@forge.translocate('a', index=1)
def func(a, b):

assert forge.repr_callable(func) == 'func(b, a)'
  • selector – a string, iterable of strings, or a function that receives an instance of FParameter and returns a truthy value whether to place the provided parameter before it.
  • index – the index to insert the parameter into the signature
  • before – a string, iterable of strings, or a function that receives an instance of FParameter and returns a truthy value whether to place the provided parameter before it.
  • after – a string, iterable of strings, or a function that receives an instance of FParameter and returns a truthy value whether to place the provided parameter before it.
revise(previous: forge._signature.FSignature) → forge._signature.FSignature

Translocates (moves) the parameter into a new position in the signature.

No validation is performed on the updated FSignature, allowing it to be used as an intermediate revision in the context of compose.

Parameters:previous – the FSignature to modify
Returns:a modified instance of FSignature

a convenience “short-name” for translocate



class forge.FSignature(parameters: Union[typing.Iterable[forge._signature.FParameter], NoneType] = None, *, return_annotation: Any, __validate_parameters__: bool = False) → None

An immutable, validated representation of a signature composed of FParameter instances, and a return type annotation.

Sequence methods are supported and __getitem__ is overloaded to provide access to parameters by index, name, or a slice. Described in further detail: __getitem__()

  • parameters – an iterable of FParameter that makes up the signature
  • return_annotation – the return type annotation for the signature
  • __validate_parameters__ – whether the sequence of provided parameters should be validated
classmethod from_callable(callable: Callable) → forge._signature.FSignature

A factory method that creates an instance of FSignature from a callable. Calls down to from_native() to do the heavy loading.

Parameters:callable – a callable from which to derive the FSignature
Returns:an instance of FSignature derived from the callable argument.
classmethod from_native(signature: inspect.Signature) → forge._signature.FSignature

A factory method that creates an instance of FSignature from an instance of inspect.Signature. Calls down to FParameter to map the inspect.Signature.parameters to inspect.Parameter instances.

The return type annotation from the provided signature is not retained, as from_native() doesn’t provide this functionality.

Parameters:signature – an instance of inspect.Signature from which to derive the FSignature
Returns:an instance of FSignature derived from the signature argument.

Provides a representation of this FSignature as an instance of inspect.Signature


The signature’s ~forge.FParameter

replace(*, parameters=<void>, return_annotation=<void>, __validate_parameters__=True) → forge._signature.FSignature

Returns a copy of this FSignature with replaced attributes.


a new copy of FSignature revised with replacements


Validation ensures:

class forge.FParameter(kind: inspect._ParameterKind, name: Union[str, NoneType] = None, interface_name: Union[str, NoneType] = None, default: Any = <empty>, factory: Callable[Any] = <empty>, type: Any = <empty>, converter: Union[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any], typing.Iterable[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any]], NoneType] = None, validator: Union[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any], typing.Iterable[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any]], NoneType] = None, bound: bool = False, contextual: bool = False, metadata: Union[typing.Mapping, NoneType] = None) → None

An immutable representation of a signature parameter that encompasses its public name, its interface name, transformations to be applied, and associated meta-data that defines its behavior in a signature.


This class doesn’t need to be invoked directly. Use one of the constructor methods instead:

  • kind – the parameter kind, which detemrines the position of the parameter in a callable signature.
  • name – the public name of the parameter. For example, in f(x) -> g(y), name is x.
  • interface_name – the name of mapped-to the parameter. For example, in f(x) -> g(y), interface_name is y.
  • default – the default value for the parameter. Cannot be supplied alongside a factory argument. For example, to achieve f(x=3), specify :code`default=3`.
  • factory – a function that generates a default for the parameter Cannot be supplied alongside a default argument. For example, to achieve f(x=<Factory now>), specify factory=default.now (notice: without parentheses).
  • type – the type annotation of the parameter. For example, to achieve f(x: int), type is int.
  • converter – a callable or iterable of callables that receive a ctx argument, a name argument and a value argument for transforming inputs.
  • validator – a callable that receives a ctx argument, a name argument and a value argument for validating inputs.
  • bound – whether the parameter is visible in the signature (requires default or factory if True)
  • contextual – whether the parameter will be passed to converter and validator callables as the context (only the first parameter in a FSignature can be contextual)
  • metadata – optional, extra meta-data that describes the parameter
apply_conversion(ctx: Any, value: Any) → Any

Apply a transform or series of transforms against the argument value with the callables from converter.

  • ctx – the context of this parameter as provided by the FSignature (typically self or ctx).
  • value – the argument value for this parameter

the converted value

apply_default(value: Any) → Any

Return the argument value (if not empty), or the value from default (if not an instance of Factory), or the value obtained by calling default (if an instance of Factory).

Parameters:value – the argument value for this parameter
Returns:the input value or a default value
apply_validation(ctx: Any, value: Any) → Any

Apply a validation or series of validations against the argument value with the callables from validator.

  • ctx – the context of this parameter as provided by the FSignature (typically self or ctx).
  • value – the value the user has supplied or a default value

the (unchanged) validated value

classmethod create_contextual(name=None, interface_name=None, *, type=<empty>, metadata=None) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating positional-or-keyword FParameter instances that are contextual (this value is passed to other FParameter`s ``converter` and validator functions.)

classmethod create_keyword_only(name=None, interface_name=None, *, default=<empty>, factory=<empty>, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, bound=False, metadata=None) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating keyword-only FParameter instances.

classmethod create_positional_only(name=None, interface_name=None, *, default=<empty>, factory=<empty>, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, bound=False, metadata=None) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating positional-only FParameter instances.

classmethod create_positional_or_keyword(name=None, interface_name=None, *, default=<empty>, factory=<empty>, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, bound=False, metadata=None) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating positional-or-keyword FParameter instances.

classmethod create_var_keyword(name, *, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, metadata=None) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating var-keyword FParameter instances.

classmethod create_var_positional(name, *, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, metadata=None) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating var-positional FParameter instances.

class empty

A simple MarkerMeta class useful for denoting that no input was suplied. Used in place of inspect.Parameter.empty as that is not repr’d (providing confusing usage).


def proxy(a, b, extra=empty):
    if extra is not empty:
        return proxied(a, b)
    return proxied(a, b, c=inspect.Parameter.empty)
classmethod ccoerce_native(value)

Conditionally coerce the value to a non-empty value.

Parameters:value – the value to conditionally coerce
Returns:the value, if the value is not an instance of empty, otherwise return inspect.Paramter.empty
classmethod ccoerce_synthetic(value)

Conditionally coerce the value to a non-inspect.Parameter.empty value.

Parameters:value – the value to conditionally coerce
Returns:the value, if the value is not an instance of inspect.Paramter.empty, otherwise return empty

alias of inspect._empty

classmethod from_native(native: inspect.Parameter) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating FParameter instances from inspect.Parameter instances.

Parameter descriptions are a subset of those defined on FParameter

Parameters:native – an instance of inspect.Parameter, used as a template for creating a new FParameter :returns: a new instance of FParameter, using native as a template

A native representation of this FParameter as an inspect.Parameter, fit for an instance of inspect.Signature

replace(*, kind=<void>, name=<void>, interface_name=<void>, default=<void>, factory=<void>, type=<void>, converter=<void>, validator=<void>, bound=<void>, contextual=<void>, metadata=<void>)

An evolution method that generates a new FParameter derived from this instance and the provided updates.


an instance of ~forge.FParameter

class forge.Factory(factory: Callable[Any]) → None

A Factory object is a wrapper around a callable that gets called to generate a default value everytime a function is invoked.

Parameters:factory – a callable which is invoked without argument to generate a default value.


forge.pos(name=None, interface_name=None, *, default=<empty>, factory=<empty>, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, bound=False, metadata=None) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating positional-only FParameter instances.

forge.pok(name=None, interface_name=None, *, default=<empty>, factory=<empty>, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, bound=False, metadata=None) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating positional-or-keyword FParameter instances.


a convenience for forge.pok()

forge.ctx(name=None, interface_name=None, *, type=<empty>, metadata=None) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating positional-or-keyword FParameter instances that are contextual (this value is passed to other FParameter`s ``converter` and validator functions.)

forge.vpo(name, *, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, metadata=None) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating var-positional FParameter instances.

forge.kwo(name=None, interface_name=None, *, default=<empty>, factory=<empty>, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, bound=False, metadata=None) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating keyword-only FParameter instances.


a convenience for forge.kwo()

forge.vkw(name, *, type=<empty>, converter=None, validator=None, metadata=None) → forge._signature.FParameter

A factory method for creating var-keyword FParameter instances.



forge.findparam(parameters: Iterable[_T_PARAM], selector: Union[str, typing.Iterable[str], typing.Callable[[~_T_PARAM], bool]]) → Iterator[_T_PARAM]

Return an iterator yielding those parameters (of type inspect.Parameter or FParameter) that are mached by the selector.

selector is used differently based on what is supplied:

  • str: a parameter is found if its name attribute is contained
  • Iterable[str]: a parameter is found if its name attribute is
  • callable: a parameter is found if the callable (which receives the
    parameter), returns a truthy value.
  • parameters – an iterable of inspect.Parameter or FParameter
  • selector – an identifier which is used to determine whether a parameter matches.

an iterator yield parameters

forge.args(name: Union[str, NoneType] = None, *, type: Any = <empty>, converter: Union[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any], typing.Iterable[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any]], NoneType] = None, validator: Union[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any], typing.Iterable[typing.Callable[[typing.Any, str, typing.Any], typing.Any]], NoneType] = None, metadata: Union[typing.Mapping, NoneType] = None) → VarPositional

A psuedo-sequence that unpacks as a var-positional FParameter.

Can also be called with arguments to generate another instance.

Typical usage:

>>> import forge
>>> fsig = forge.FSignature(*forge.args)
>>> print(fsig)
<FSignature (*args)>

>>> import forge
>>> fsig = forge.FSignature(*forge.args(name='vars'))
>>> print(fsig)
<FSignature (*vars)>

While name can be supplied (by default it’s args), interface_name is unavailable. This is because when FSignature maps parameters, the mapping between var-positional parameters is 1:1, so the interface name for var-positional is auto-discovered.

Implements collections.abc.Iterable, with provided: __iter__. Inherits method: __next__.


a “ready-to-go” instance of VarPositional, with the name args. Use as *args, or supply replace() arguments. For example, to change the name to items: *args(name='items').

forge.kwargs = <forge._signature.VarKeyword object>

A psuedo-collection that unpacks as a var-keyword FParameter.

Can also be called with arguments to generate another instance.

Typical usage:

>>> import forge
>>> fsig = forge.FSignature(**forge.kwargs)
>>> print(fsig)
<FSignature (**kwargs)>

>>> import forge
>>> fsig = forge.FSignature(**forge.kwargs(name='items'))
>>> print(fsig)
<FSignature (**items)>

While name can be supplied (by default it’s kwargs), interface_name is unavailable. This is because when FSignature maps parameters, the mapping between var-keyword parameters is 1:1, so the interface name for var-keyword is auto-discovered.

Implements collections.abc.Mapping, with provided: __getitem__, __iter__ and __len__. Inherits methods: __contains__, keys, items, values, get, __eq__ and __ne__.


a “ready-to-go” instance of VarKeyword, with the name kwargs. Use as **kwargs, or supply replace() arguments. For example, to change the name to extras: **kwargs(name='extras').

forge.self = <FParameter "self">

An immutable representation of a signature parameter that encompasses its public name, its interface name, transformations to be applied, and associated meta-data that defines its behavior in a signature.


This class doesn’t need to be invoked directly. Use one of the constructor methods instead:

  • kind – the parameter kind, which detemrines the position of the parameter in a callable signature.
  • name – the public name of the parameter. For example, in f(x) -> g(y), name is x.
  • interface_name – the name of mapped-to the parameter. For example, in f(x) -> g(y), interface_name is y.
  • default – the default value for the parameter. Cannot be supplied alongside a factory argument. For example, to achieve f(x=3), specify :code`default=3`.
  • factory – a function that generates a default for the parameter Cannot be supplied alongside a default argument. For example, to achieve f(x=<Factory now>), specify factory=default.now (notice: without parentheses).
  • type – the type annotation of the parameter. For example, to achieve f(x: int), type is int.
  • converter – a callable or iterable of callables that receive a ctx argument, a name argument and a value argument for transforming inputs.
  • validator – a callable that receives a ctx argument, a name argument and a value argument for validating inputs.
  • bound – whether the parameter is visible in the signature (requires default or factory if True)
  • contextual – whether the parameter will be passed to converter and validator callables as the context (only the first parameter in a FSignature can be contextual)
  • metadata – optional, extra meta-data that describes the parameter

a “ready-to-go” instance of FParameter as the self context parameter.

forge.cls = <FParameter "cls">

An immutable representation of a signature parameter that encompasses its public name, its interface name, transformations to be applied, and associated meta-data that defines its behavior in a signature.


This class doesn’t need to be invoked directly. Use one of the constructor methods instead:

  • kind – the parameter kind, which detemrines the position of the parameter in a callable signature.
  • name – the public name of the parameter. For example, in f(x) -> g(y), name is x.
  • interface_name – the name of mapped-to the parameter. For example, in f(x) -> g(y), interface_name is y.
  • default – the default value for the parameter. Cannot be supplied alongside a factory argument. For example, to achieve f(x=3), specify :code`default=3`.
  • factory – a function that generates a default for the parameter Cannot be supplied alongside a default argument. For example, to achieve f(x=<Factory now>), specify factory=default.now (notice: without parentheses).
  • type – the type annotation of the parameter. For example, to achieve f(x: int), type is int.
  • converter – a callable or iterable of callables that receive a ctx argument, a name argument and a value argument for transforming inputs.
  • validator – a callable that receives a ctx argument, a name argument and a value argument for validating inputs.
  • bound – whether the parameter is visible in the signature (requires default or factory if True)
  • contextual – whether the parameter will be passed to converter and validator callables as the context (only the first parameter in a FSignature can be contextual)
  • metadata – optional, extra meta-data that describes the parameter

a “ready-to-go” instance of FParameter as the cls context parameter.


forge.callwith(to_: Callable[..., Any], named: Union[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], NoneType] = None, unnamed: Union[typing.Iterable, NoneType] = None) → Any

Calls and returns the result of to_ with the supplied named and unnamed arguments.

The arguments and their order as supplied to to_ is determined by iterating over the named arguments and assinging the values to the parameters with the key as a name. unnamed arguments are assigned to the var-positional parameter.


import forge

def func(a, b=2, *args, c, d=5, **kwargs):
    return (a, b, args, c, d, kwargs)

assert forge.callwith(
    named=dict(a=1, c=4, e=6),
) == (1, 2, (3,), 4, 5, {'e': 6})
forge.repr_callable(callable: Callable) → str

Build a string representation of a callable, including the callable’s :attr:__name__, its inspect.Parameter`s and its ``return type`


>>> repr_callable(repr_callable)
'repr_callable(callable: Callable) -> str'
Parameters:callable – a Python callable to build a string representation of
Returns:the string representation of the function